We bring to your attention the report authored by our specialists, dedicated to the results of a qualitative study on using by people who inject drugs and men having sex with men the services of family doctors.
The project was implemented by the Public Health Alliance, the European Institute on Public Health Policy and the Center for Public Health of Ukraine. The data were collected during October-December 2020 using the method of semi-structured in-depth interview. A total of 55 people, among them 20 PWID, 21 MHSM and 14 NGO specialists, were interviewed.
The study aimed at determining the main ways to involve PWID and MHSM in using the services of family doctors and give recommendations on increasing demand for these services among these key groups, establish relationships between PWID/MHSM, NGOs and family doctors.
T. Kiriazova, M. Filippovych, O. Kovtun O. Qualitative study on using by people who inject drugs and men having sex with men the services of family doctors: report on the study results. 2021 (UA)