USAID project “Public Health System Recovery and Resilience Activity”


The term of realization

08.06.2022 – 31.12.2026

Mental Health Team Lead

Marta Melnyk

Funded by

Pact, Inc.

The aim of the project

To strengthen the GoU’s capacity to prevent, detect and respond to public health threats; sustain critical public health services during a crisis; expand mental health support to veterans and war-affected populations; and protect the health of all Ukrainians including vulnerable and marginalized population groups.

Goals and objectives

1. Mitigate COVID-19 outbreaks and secondary impacts on essential health services.

2. ЗIncrease the resilience and capacity of the PH services at the regional level and below.

3. Strengthen community resilience against potential PH threats.

4. Increase the access and sustainability of mental health services for conflict-affected populations (responsibility of EIPHP):

  • Strengthen national-level capacity and coordination for MHPSS (Mental health and psychosocial support) programming
  • Innovate mental health support via digital tools and platforms
  • Respond to immediate mental health needs by scaling up countrywide access to CETA
  • Strengthen the MHPSS workforce
  • Strengthen regional-level capacity, coordination, and integration of mental health in public health in focus regions
  • • Scale-up community-based mental health services using evidence-based MPHSS models in focus regions
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