Best practices and barriers to the use of LAM testing in the practice of diagnosis and TB treatment in Ukraine


The term of realization

21.10.2020 – 31.12.2020

Principal Investigator

Tetiana Kiriazova

Funded by

CO «100% LIFE»

The aim of the project

Identifying the incidence of tuberculosis among HIV-positive patients who had positive tests for LF-LAM and barriers to the use of these tests in Ukraine.

Goals and objectives

  • Retrospectively evaluate methods (sputum smear microscopy, Xpert MTB / Rif, culture tests, LF-LAM tests, X-ray examination) detection tuberculosis in HIV-positive patients;
  • Retrospectively evaluate the available data on the accuracy of the LF-LAM test for the diagnosis of active tuberculosis in HIV-positive patients with signs and symptoms of tuberculosis; in persons regardless of the signs and symptoms of tuberculosis; and in people with advanced HIV disease;
  • Identify barriers to the use of LF-LAM tests.
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